
AM- HR Training

役職名: AM- HR Training
勤務地: カルナータカ州
職種: Manufacturing/Production
給与: INR 750,000 - 800,000 (Annual)
求人番号: PR/107831
担当者: Anupama Mishra
求人情報掲載日: 2024/05/15 15:32

Looking fot T&D Professional for Bangalore location. This opportunity is coming up with one of the leading JAPANESE AUTOMOTIVE MNC. 


JD: Please find below: 

Create an overall training system, implement it, receive feedback and train personnel again (repeat PDCA).
They request him/her to be completed and implemented the training system at the end of FY24.
1. Research and  prepare the description for training. 
2. Create training curriculum (in collaboration with external contractors) 3.
3. Report the feedback from practice and brushing it up

Report to:
Directly under Japanese MD Eventually hired as Education Section Manager (expected to have 3 subordinates)